Desert Rose by Diane Devine
Here is a song written and sung by Diane Devine Sept 2019 To contact Diane email her at [email protected]
Read More...Here is a song written and sung by Diane Devine Sept 2019 To contact Diane email her at [email protected]
Read More...Here is a video of Mandy Imlay’s spontaneous song – The sun is rising up April 2019
Read More...This book tells the story of one woman’s journey out of the rough seas of religion and back into the Harbour of Love, the Safe Haven of the Spirit of Truth.It is a work of fiction, loosely based on my life. I am part of the church and I love the church but there have
Read More...An encouraging talk by Neil Warburton. 03.04.2020 View the video below:
Read More...There’s a Change in the AirI listened to Alberto and Kimberley Rivera worshipping God and singing prophetically over the Nations. I thought I could do that with paint – I could paint prophetically over the Nations so I got out a new canvas and the journey began.Stage OneThe coronavirus invades our lives, causing global chaos
Read More...Worship from the Devine living room! With Diane and David Devine 03.04.2020 View the video below: Image from YouTube video
Read More...Have you ever had someone speak negative things over you? How did it make you feel? Did you believe them and did those negative things begin to manifest or come about? Most people will realise that the power of the spoken word is very powerful. Why is that? If we go back to the very
Read More...How is your life? Are you disappointed, hurt, in pain physically or emotionally? Have people you have loved let you down? Are you looking for help but are completely turned off by religion and its hypocrisy? Do you feel alone, misunderstood, rejected and helpless? Are you searching for more, do you want to understand why
Read More...I was walking down by the river, this morning and I sat down in my favourite spot to enjoy the peace and tranquillity. The birds were singing and although the day was overcast, I had a real sense that spring had come. Suddenly I was aware of Holy Spirit in a purple coloured vapour sitting
Read More...HEARING GOD’S VOICE John 10 v1-4 ALL His sheep hear His voice. Ephesians 1 v 17-18 Pray this out loud regularly. 1 THANKSGIVING, PRAISE AND WORSHIP Be thankful in all things, if we complain, why should God show up! God inhabits the praises of His people. Psalm 22 v 3 Psalm 100 v 4 Praise