The Eyes of Jesus (part one)

The Eyes of Jesus (part one)

It is commonly thought that Jesus’ cloak would have been a prayer shawl like this. The fringe or knotted part on the end of these shawls was to remind the people of all of God’s promises. So as the woman reached out to touch this cloak or fringe, she was reaching out to take hold of those promises of healing for herself. As we read this beautiful poem by Sandy Morgan, retelling the story from the Bible, let us all reach out for our own healing.

Let us believe what Jesus taught, that as long as we believe and do not doubt, we will receive


They would have killed her if they had known.

Ceremonially unclean,

She had slowly moved toward Jesus,

They had pushed, bustled and barged

And she had touched every one of them.

The Zealots, The Orthodox,

The Lovers of Laws;

They would have stoned her to death,

 If they had known.

But now she was almost there,

‘If I can but touch the hem of his garment’.

Slowly and secretly,

A hand reached out

And The Unclean touched The Holy.

Twelve long years,

But she knew instantly,

Healed at last!

All that was needed to now,

Was to melt back into the crowd.

And then came that which she feared most.

A voice rang out for all to hear;

‘Who touched Me?’

It was the eyes that did it,

Not that she saw them –

They burned into her.

‘Who deliberately touched Me?’

And knowing that she was not hidden,

This lone woman,

With every last ounce of courage,

Turned to face Jesus.

Trembling, kneeling before him,

She told him everything,

In front of everyone!

It was the eyes that did it,


The word was gently spoken,

‘Be of good comfort’,

The face was tender,

Radiant with compassion,

‘Your faith has made you whole’,

His eyes looked on her,

With such love,

‘Go your way in peace’.

Twelve long years and

She was healed at last!

Now, all these years later,

Her way had been his way,

There was no other for her.

And in the growing darkness,

She still sees the eyes,

The compassion, the mercy

The immeasurable love

That looked upon her.

And she smiles with quiet joy,

As she remembers the day,

That at the feet of Her Saviour

She was made whole,

And born again,

To a great and wonderful

Newness of life.

Ken Morgan

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