How is your life? Are you disappointed, hurt, in pain physically or emotionally? Have people you have loved let you down? Are you looking for help but are completely turned off by religion and its hypocrisy? Do you feel alone, misunderstood, rejected and helpless? Are you searching for more, do you want to understand why you were born and what your purpose is supposed to be?
I was just like that and there is a woman in the Bible who represents all of us who feel like this. She was a Samaritan woman who met Jesus at a well. You can read her story in the gospel of John, chapter 4.
She was an outcast who had had 5 husbands and was currently living with another man. In the Bible immorality and adultery are a picture of us, men and women, worshipping one another or man made things such as money, power or sex, our jobs or churches instead of turning to the God who created us. This is called idol worship and we have all been guilty of this until we drink this wonderful living water that Jesus offers us. I have tried most things and it does not satisfy me, it feels good for a little while and then it wears off and I need something else. We are all addicted to something, waiting for our next fix but when we turn away from these earthly pleasures and drink from Jesus’ Well, the most amazing things happen. We start to see the truth as we have never seen it before, confusion and misunderstanding starts to leave. We see our own faults and say sorry and decide to change. Jesus starts to talk to us and He starts to woo us. He sees all our faults and loves us just as we are. He calls us His secret spring, a bubbling fountain, His private paradise (Song of Songs 4 v 12).
Listen, Beloved, He is speaking to you now.
“Are you thirsty, Beloved, come to Me! Come to Me and drink! Believe in Me so that rivers of living water will burst out within you, flowing from your innermost being which is your belly. Let Me exchange the polluted waters in your spiritual heart for the pure clear living waters that are in Me. For I am a Well full of healing waters and when you taste Me you will taste life and the water inside you will change and become like a bubbling fountain and you will be full of joy.”
See, Beloved, He is inviting you into a relationship with Him, He wants to be your Best Friend. This relationship is a process, it doesn’t happen overnight. He wants to be your New Boyfriend and He wants to date you. In the Bible, God calls those that follow Him, His Bride. Jesus was inviting the Samaritan woman to leave her old way of life and follow Him. Jesus was to be the 7th husband. The number seven in the Bible represents fullness or completion.
Jesus will not take you away from your physical spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend, He will love you back to life so that you are transformed and you will fall in love with your spouse all over again. You cannot lose, it is miraculous!
This living water that Jesus gives us to live inside our bellies is the part of Himself we call Holy Spirit. Father God and Jesus are in heaven but they can be with each one of us through Holy Spirit. God, you see, is a family, He is community, He is three in one. This is a model for us to follow. The worlds way is to separate and divide but God’s way is to join together in unity.
The Samaritan woman was like many religious communities today, she was keen to talk about doctrine and the coming Messiah but she didn’t know Him. That day she met Jesus for the very first time and it changed her completely, she would never be the same again. She was so excited that she ran off to tell others all about Him, she didn’t even bother to collect the physical water that she had come for!
In time, she would learn more from Jesus and she would discover that it is not where you worship that matters, but who you worship. When you go straight to the Source of the bubbling spring, love begins to flow out of you bringing healing and reconciliation. No longer will you shun other religious denominations or people who are different from you. Instead, you will join together in joy because you find you have Someone in common, Jesus, our Bridegroom God. For the Truth is a person, His Name is Jesus. Then you will have the Holy Spirit living inside you and you will be intimate with Jesus and there you have it, you will be worshipping in Spirit and Truth. Then the miracles will begin!
If you would like to taste these living waters and never be thirsty again, if you would like to get to know Jesus in a personal intimate relationship, pray the prayer below with me.
Lord Jesus, You are a well containing everything I need for love and life. You have paid the price for this living water by dying on the cross for me. Today, I reach out and drink this water and I know I will never be the same again. Please come and visit me just like you visited the Samaritan woman at the well. I want to get to know you, I want to be Your bride and Your best friend. Amen.
Take a look at this poem: The Living Waters
Take a look at this poem: The Waterfall